This page offers some suggestions for OPTION B – Hosting a PEP Peace Petition Party. These can take place in your home, or at some public venue: a church hall, your neighborhood rec center, a peace or civic organization meeting room, a library meeting room.
PEP is a campaign to deliver great good news to the global community: ending war is something humans have done, and if we summon the will to do it, we have models to guide us in how to end war. A PEP party needs to be a happy, even joyful celebration while spreading the word.
Think first of hosting an intimate one in your home, even for a small group less than ten. Intimate maybe is best so everyone can engage and ask questions. But somewhat larger groups can work through the same items and discussion in a slightly larger venue than your home.
First, one possibility to consider is having some great peace songs playing in the background as people arrive, to set the mood.
Second, you’ll need to be able to access the Internet on a decent size screen so you can show the YouTube Peace System video produced by anthropologist Doug Fry et. al. []
Then at some point, maybe after refreshments and discussion, you need to be able to go to the PEP website for other information, and especially to show them the party’s goal: the text of the petition and where and how to sign it. Read the whole petition to them. This is the action heart of PEP. Tell them that once a year the signatures will be sent to heads of state of the G-20 nations and to the relevant person at the United Nations who can introduce a resolution to begin treaty negotiation to the General Assembly
When you invite them to the party, tell them to please bring their cell phones because they may want to sign something using it. And after reading the petition, take note of how many did sign the petition. Make sure to avoid making them feel at all pressured to do so. That they should feel free to take time to think about it…although caution them that if they put it off, they may forget to come back to do it.
Beyond watching the video, quickly exploring the website, discussion, and a chance to sign the petition, think of an activity the group can do, something they can take away with them, that will serve as a reminder of PEP and its goal:
As simple as supplying them with a 3X5 card and some pens. At the top they can write out Project Enduring Peace with a colorful pen, and then they list the names of 5-10 people they plan to tell about PEP -or-
More complicated and more time consuming, if you can afford to pay for the supplies to make friendship-type bead bracelets (or you could ask them to make a donation to you for the refreshments and the bracelet supplies). After watching the video and familiarizing them with the PEP website and petition, walk them through making a bead bracelet that incorporates the initials PEP. If they want to promote the petition campaign, they can wear the bracelet they make, or they may prefer to donate it to you and you can use a bracelet as a gift to other people you introduce to PEP who sign the petition.
Here you can find directions for how to make a simple xxxxx: (link coming soon). Or you can do your own research and find directions for a different bracelet. The key is to have it be a bead bracelet that many women would wear that incorporates beads that spell out PEP. People seeing it will ask questions, an opportunity to spread the good news.
It's your party. Be creative. Have fun and fellowship as you work together for a great cause.
Please let us know the following about your party.