Past efforts to secure a stable global community free from international war have failed. It’s time to try something new.
The goal that is the object of Project Enduring Peace is to secure an innovative, sustainable, global peace treaty that will end international wars, a treaty that can also serve as the foundation on which to build an Earth peace system (defined, explained, and illustrated here:
Project Enduring Peace is unique in three main ways. First, it’s generated and led by women—mothers, grandmothers, daughters, and aunts. Aided by likeminded men, it is the women of Earth rising up to put an end to what is arguably the greatest evil we engage in.
Second, it focuses on wellbeing of children, now and into the future, not on political, cultural, religious, or balance-of-power perspectives, but on the wellbeing of all children of all nations. Love for and concern for children is a great unifier of humans, behind which people of all races, religions, nationalities, political or philosophical differences can come to agreement that we should no longer make war on each other. That making peace is far better than making war.
Third, its approach to ending international wars as described by the treaty that is its primary goal is anticipatory, not reactionary: Pressure is applied by the united global community to prevent an attack rather than applying punishments such as sanctions after the fact. Time has changed many things since the writing of previous treaties and pacts to halt international wars (see PEP Rationale). One of these is the extent to which the global community is intertwined; something that affects one nation may now affect virtually all. As a consequence, this true entanglement of nations, along with technological advances in global communication, intelligence gathering, and communication, provides the means to enforce a global peace treaty (see “How the Treaty Might Work”). PEP’s orientation is child-centered, focused not on what particular political philosophy or religious orientation will lead us into the future, but on what will be the most nurturing future in which to raise children. a future where human resources now devoted to the many aspects of war can be devoted to the many pressing existential issues of the time we live in, and to fashioning a less violent, more just and healthy Earth community. This is a crucial, pivotal moment in human history. The goal to secure a treaty to rid us of international wars can swiftly unite a critical mass of people within all nations to a great common cause.
Together, we can do this! And it starts with deciding to do it for the sake of children now and into the future and then formalizing our agreement.
Who Are We?
Judith Hand Ph.D. Evolutionary Biology
Anne Hoiberg M.A. Psychology
Working Group - 2023 - 2024
Peggy Lang As an award-winning ghostwriter of a political memoir and co-author of political fiction, I'm passionate about using human intelligence to prevail over the insanities of war and needless human suffering. I've participated in several peace efforts and hope that PEP will prove to offer a direction that changes the course of history.
Barbara Villasenor
My grandchildren, all born since the U.S. invaded Afghanistan and Iraq, our longest war (2003 - 2020), believe that our country was always at war, no big deal. PEP is working towards both changing mindsets and ending war, and that is why I support this organization so that all children can grow up in a world with enduring peace.
Linda Wexler
Project Enduring Peace is a brilliant blueprint to save humanity from needless war. I am proud to be a supporter.
Ame Stanko
From space flight to disease eradication, history is filled with achievements born of daring ideas. Project Enduring Peace is the means for achieving the daring idea of a world without war. I dream of a day when the factors which lead to war are re-engineered to the mutual benefit of all parties. War is not inevitable, it's a human construction. We are one tiny species on a mote of dust floating haplessly in the cosmic ocean. The time has come for humanity to grow up and leave war behind.
PEP Steering Committee, Advisory Committee, and Support Committee Members are being sought. If interested, contact Dr. Hand.
PEP Advisor/s Andre Sheldon - Founder and Director, Global Strategy of Nonviolence, For the Children. Cherrill Spencer, Ph.D. - Co-Chair, Disarm Committee - WILPF US
Allied Groups
Financial Sponsors being sought.
Peace Organizations - being sought being sought.
Cornerstone Organizations/Miscellaneous being sought.
The Project Enduring Peace (PEP) Endorsement Policy
Tme and energy (of thought and action) are vital resources to be thoughtfully used.
PEP’s mission is urgent. The global community is stressed by existential challenges both social and physical, and resources wasted on planning for, executing, and cleaning up after wars are desperately needed to surmount those challenges. PEP’s singular focus is to secure a global treaty to end international wars. This in turn will free up human and financial resources desperately needed for dealing with climate change, other existential threats, the causes of civil wars, and pursuing the fashioning of a "peace system" that embraces all of planet Earth. [peace system defined, explained, illustrated at]
PEP could devote time and energy to any of The Nine Cornerstones of Enduring Peace, and may receive endorsement requests from such projects. Our policy is to refrain from making endorsements 1) because this requires research time to decide if the endeavor is worthy, which distracts us from the urgent need to reach our goal, and 2) that effort may have issues that if PEP endorsed, might cause division among PEPs very diverse supporters.
Exception to that policy. It’s profoundly important that all efforts working to create a future without war stand united…no matter how different the focus of their specific works may be. If PEP Steering Committee members unanimously agree that the goal and general actions of other efforts are in harmony with the goal of ending war, we will lend our name to publicly promoting their endeavors, with the understanding that we have not necessarily endorsed all of their approaches. Individual PEP members are, of course, free to work on or endorse whatever they wish, but not as a representative of PEP.