Study Guide for the Website "A Future Without War" -- by Judith Hand
The Bottom Line: What should be the shared end-goal of a global movement to abolish war? A social paradigm does not change until a better paradigm emerges that can replace it. This principle also applies to a social change movement seeking to abolish war: the current toleration of the use of war to resolve conflicts needs to be replaced by an absolute commitment to using only nonviolent means to resolve conflicts, never violence, perhaps in the form of an enforceable global peace treaty.
Another principle of social change is that a social change movement has most power when it operates, not from a vision of what it's against, but by presenting a vision of what it's for. Therefore, A Future Without War believes that establishment of an enforceable global peace treaty—an agreement that can serve as the bedrock foundation for building a global peace system—should be the shared end-goal of all participants of a global peace movement.
In practice, that means that at least as much energy as the movement puts into protesting the war industry or forces that create poverty or environmental destruction or other war-fostering human activities should be put into activities directed to securing the needed enforceable global peace agreement.”
The materials presented in this website are the product of roughly twenty years of research and writing on the subject of war, the relationship of men and women to war, and the potential for humans on Earth to build and maintain a future without war.
The guide is provided to 1) facilitate individual learning and, 2) facilitate use by educators wishing to provide supplemental reading materials for classes. The site was assembled over many years, arranged with no particular systematic plan; therefore the guide groups together related topics for visitors wishing to explore a given topic rather than search through the extensive site at random.
Presented is a list of subject categories, and beneath them links to article titles that contain information relevant to that subject. Material in some articles may overlap, having been written at different times with slightly different focus or purpose.
This website is dedicated to the proposition that our time in history is uniquely poised to abolish war. It is my hope that it will be useful to anyone with access to the Internet anywhere in the world as an educational tool for FREE.
Why an Ending-war Campaign is Now, in Our Time, Uniquely Poised to Succeed
War is Not Inevitable - Keynote Speech – Includes an explanation for why our time is history is uniquely posed to end war; why ending war is a vehicle to usher in a major paradigm shift toward nonviolence; includes a comparison of Obstructive and Constructive Programs; essential characteristics of a successful movement.
Capstone Essay - To Abolish War - Includes a comparison of Obstructive and Constructive Programs/Approaches; levers and fulcrums for change; why male/female partnership is essential; importance of leadership.
Paradigm Shift and Shaping the Future – Includes a possible name for an ending-war movement (FACE – For All Children Everywhere); defines and explains the needed paradigm shift to permanently abolish war; describes the essential elements of a working paradigm shift campaign to end war.
"peace systems" - humans have created them in all kinds of societies, and they share important, relevant characteristics Shared Charactertistics of Peace Systems